Mittel- und Neulatein macht Schule!

Aus Mittel- und Neulatein macht Schule!
Version vom 12. August 2020, 09:20 Uhr von imported>Mnlmachtschule

Mittel- und Neulatein macht Schule, ihr Flappen!

Hier findet ihr den braven Fragebogen.

Und hier ggf. eine Box mit den latest uploads / allen Tags?

This text is not collapsible; but the next is collapsible and hidden by default:

Ich brauche etwas für die Schule!
Meine Schüler sind im...
ersten Lernjahr.

| Meine |}

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  1. qTable td {padding:3px 1em; border:1px solid #ccc; border-radius:5px; background-color:#FeF; font-family:"Segoe UI"}
  2. qTable {width:100%; border-spacing:0.5em}
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  4. qTable li:hover { text-decoration:underline}
  5. qTable tr:nth-child(n+2) {display:none}
  6. qTable p {font-weight:bold; line-height:50%}
  1. errdiv {display:none; font-weight:bold; color:#903; padding:0.3em}

.selectedAnswer {font-weight:bold; color:#060}

i {display:none}

$(document).ready(function() { //checks difference between number of rows and ids. If none, guide is complete and code can be removed. //if a result is used in more that one question reduce the value or results by the number of reuses var rows = $('#qTable tr').length - 1; var liids = $('#qTable li').length; if(rows != liids) { $('#errdiv').html('Number of rows ( ' + rows + ' ) does not match the number of questions ( ' +liids + ' )').show() }

 $('#qTable li').on('click',function() {
   //style the selected answer

//find the id of the first question in the graoup //var q1id = $(this).parent().children('li:first').find('i').text(); //hide all rows after the currently displayed row and remove selectedAnswer style var rowCurrent = $(this).closest("tr").prevAll("tr").length + 2; var rowsAfter = ' tr:nth-child(n+' + rowCurrent + ')'; $('#qTable' + rowsAfter).hide().find('li').removeClass('selectedAnswer'); //show the next row that matches the question id var italNum = $(this).find('i').text(); var qNext = ' tr:nth-child(' + italNum + ')'; $('#qTable' + qNext).fadeIn(800); //scroll code to bring next question into view var qNextPos = $('#qTable' + qNext).offset(); var qNextTop =; var qNextHigh = $('#qTable' + qNext).height(); var qNextBot = qNextHigh + qNextTop + 20; var scrHigh = $(window).innerHeight(); var difHigh = qNextBot - scrHigh; if(difHigh > 0) {window.scrollTo(0, difHigh)} }) })

The Applicant is a:

  • Person 2
  • Corporation 3

The person live in:

  • Grande Oak Estates 11
  • Other neighborhood 4

The corporation's annual sales are:

  • $5 million or more 10
  • Less than $ 5 million 6

What is the person's golf handicap?

  • Less than 5 8
  • 5 or more 5

What is the person's net worth?

  • $2 million or more 9
  • Less than $2 million7
The corporation does not qualify for a membership
The person does not qualify for a membership
The person qualifies for a discounted membership
The person qualifies for a regular membership
The corporation qualifies for a corporate membership
The person qualifies for a regular membership